Quint Ulchar has grown up attending Scouting for Food. Now a sophomore at East Mecklenburg High School, this is a tradition he and his family keep. You might think Quint is one of the thousands of Charlotte area Scouts who participate each year bright and early, on a chilly February morning, but his is a different connection.
As a youngster, Quint would come to work with his dad at Cardinal Camera in the Arboretum. One serendipitous Saturday, the Arboretum just happened to also feature a news crew from our friends at WCNC. A curious little Quint spotted the team from across the parking lot and wanted to know more and it’s become a tradition ever since. Quint’s mother Cassandra explains, “We get up early, pack up our food donations, and arrive even before the troops to drop off food—and, of course, say hi to Larry Sprinkle.” This year was particularly special, as Quint’s foster brother, Leo, joined in the effort, making the tradition even more meaningful.
Scouting for Food has been a Charlotte event for more than three decades supporting Nourish Up (formerly Loaves & Fishes / Friendship Trays) through food and monetary donations. “It is our largest food drive of the year,” says Nourish Up CEO Tina Postel. “We are grateful for generations of Scouts and Scout leaders/parents who make this possible and the donors who support the effort.”
Want to follow in Quint’s footsteps? There’s still time to help! You can donate food at Nourish Up (901 Carrier Drive) or contribute online. Every donation makes a difference—join the tradition and help fight hunger in our community.