2022 Year in Review

Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays sees 38% Increase in Need in 2022

2022 was supposed to be a year of recovery. Instead, staggering price increases of basic necessities – food, fuel and housing, have created a perfect storm of need.

In 2022, Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays provided groceries to 106,547 people vs. 77,140 in 2021 – an increase of 38%.

Almost half were children and seniors.

Our grocery home delivery program which began in response to the pandemic, served 20,499 people in 2022 compared to over 15,500 in 2021 – an increase of 24%

At the same time, our food budget eclipsed prior spending – a combination of higher food insecurity and higher food costs. Operations Director Angie Brumer shares that she spent $518,859 in food purchases since October – 74% of the entire food budget for our fiscal year.

Friendship Trays, our Meals on Wheels program, also saw growth – increasing meal delivery 18% to 133,662 recipients in 2022.

Higher food costs impact not only struggling families and our ability to purchase food but those who support our mission. Food drive donations are down at a time while the need continues to grow.

In 2022:

  • 106,547 neighbors in Mecklenburg Co. received groceries through our network of food pantries and grocery home delivery program. An increase of 38%.
  • Almost half were children and seniors.
  • 65,835 neighbors received fresh produce through Pop Up Food Shares. An increase of 35%
  • Each weekday, hundreds of volunteers delivered 133,662 prepared meals through Friendship Trays, our Meals on Wheels program.

It was a busy year but thanks to your support, Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays will continue to nourish our neighbors with food and compassion.